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Do gluten-free eaters prefer a specific gluten-free menu?
Tricia Timney Tricia Timney

Do gluten-free eaters prefer a specific gluten-free menu?

I was thankful for so many delicious options and her willingness to go out of her way to help me. But I was also perplexed. Why would a restaurant with so many gluten-free options not have them indicated on the menu? Or at the very least, a reuse-able list?

That got me thinking, what do other gluten-free eaters prefer when going out to a restaurant? Do they, like myself, prefer a separate menu for gluten-free options or do they want indications on the “regular” menu because they don’t want to feel special?

I did what any curious person does and asked the internet - specifically I went to the gluten-free Raleigh Facebook group and added a poll asking for their opinion. In 18 hours, I had nearly 250 responses. Drum-roll please…

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